Initium is a free-to-play web browser-based MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role-playing game) with brand-new weekly releases, real-time combat, challenging quests, beautiful cinematic cut-scenes, thousands of equipable items, interchangeable Classes, and an entire world to explore.
Welcome to Initium
Welcome to Initium a fun 2D MMORPG where adventure awaits at every corner! Join in with your friends, explore diverse maps, complete thrilling quests, and collect a awesome and unique items. Whether you’re battling fierce monsters or uncovering hidden treasures, Initium offers endless excitement and thrill in a free-to-play experience that you won’t want to miss. Join us now and start your epic journey!
Initium Application (OPEN)
Initium will be entering its beta phase in the near future, with this regards we are currently looking for staffs to work with us! If you are interested kindly open a ticket at ( Class Maker ) ( Event Maker ) ( Map Maker ) ( Beta Tester ) #JoinUs

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